This weekend I have actually been producing my designs for the Textiles Society. Making them into the real deal! Its a big step for me, as I've always seemed to avoid making the jump from the ideas and designs to making the final product. I have this strange sort of fear that the outcome isn't going to be good enough. That it won't turn out the way I imagined. I'm scared of failure, even though I know failing and making mistakes is the often best way to learn.
I've not seen all the final outcomes yet - My friend Martin is getting the posters printed on Monday. But the leaflets, stamp, stall visualisation and props for the stall are all ready to go. The brown bags will stamped and the sponsors' promo material sorted into them along with my leaflet - I can't wait to see how the finished goodie bag looks! I've also set up the basics for their facebook fan page and twitter account.
The freshers fayres are this Tuesday and Thursday. I'm hoping to go along to the Thursday one to take my own photos. I'm really excited and really nervous about how it will go. Fingers crossed for success!
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